Anglický pointer a Bobtail - Agel Moravia


Pointr Agata from Winepoint Natyave Grove

Otec: Sáregresi Pointerland Athos (HU)
Matka: Dheli z Karczewskiej Zagrody


Český šampion
Slovenský šampion
Rakouský šampion
Český grand šampion
Slovenský grand šampion

Zkoušky vloh I. cena

Pointr Agata from Winepoint Natyave Grove Pointr Agata from Winepoint Natyave Grove Pointr Agata from Winepoint Natyave Grove Pointr Agata from Winepoint Natyave Grove Pointr Agata from Winepoint Natyave Grove Pointr Agata from Winepoint Natyave Grove Pointr Agata from Winepoint Natyave Grove


Originál: ZDE

Athos Pointerland Sáregresi

Csillaghegyi Foltod Izidor

Crookrise Monty's Theme

Bookstar Robert Frost

Crookrise Gill

Ammily Europos Mitas

Sáregresi Speedy Snowman

Bea Aquilla Bojnise

Kopaszhegyi Fürge Bella

Caradhras of Szedresi

Luj Buzahadi

Sáregresi Rambling Wind

Sáregresi Xéna

Gróf z Dolnic

Sáregresi Passionate

Dheli z Karczewskiej Zagrody

Robwyn Dreams Are Free

Chesterhope Catch The Dream At Robwyn

Robwyn Time To Tell

Top Shot Dazzle

Atsira Never Say Never

Vossmead Firecrest of Crookrise

Rowengien Lady Stella

Bandhura z Karczewskiej Zagrody

Ari Beyi Europos Mitas

Sáregresi Speedy Snowman

Bea Aquila Bojnise

Aquilla z Karczewskiej Zagrody

Sáregresi Casanova

Frida z Karczewskiej Zagrody

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